Budget Information


  1. Barre Town Land Records can be accessed online.  Users can access the website directly by this URL (https://countyfusion12.kofiletech.us/countyweb/loginDisplay.action?town=BarreVT&countyname=TownFusion).  Login as Guest and follow prompts on left side of screen.  There are fees associated with downloading and printing of documents.
  2. Have unwanted or unused medications? Bring them to the Barre Town police department’s medication collection box at 149 Websterville Road rear entrance.  Acceptable items are prescriptions, prescription patches, prescription ointments, over the counter medications, vitamins and pet medications. Medication in their original bottles is okay, labels OK.  No syringes!  Drop in anytime Mon-Fri, 8am-4pm.  To drop off medications at other times, call police dispatch at 479-0509 and ask them to contact the on-duty officer with your request. No cost for this service.
  3. Do you have home improvement projects you’d like to do but need funds? Are you a Barre Town resident that owns a home that needs a major repair? Downstreet Housing and Community Development can help! Downstreet housing offers special-low interest loans for qualified homeowners and administers these loans for Barre Town providing all the essential review and oversights. Green Mountain Home Repair loans can be used to repair health and safety issues such as weatherization, structural problems, repairs to correct municipal or state code violations, access modification for elderly or disabled household members, or energy upgrades.   To find out if you qualify and for more information, call Cheryl Moyer at Downstreet, (802) 477-1331.
  4. Sign up for VT-Alert. This state-run service will notify you of winter storms, road closures, and scam alerts, in areas in Vermont relevant to you. Click here for more information.
  5. If you don’t have a house number prominently showing at your driveway, and if you were to need emergency services at your house, emergency personnel might not find you as quickly as they would with this sign. One should be displayed where someone on the public road can easily see it, like your mailbox post or a standalone post at the end of your driveway. The Town makes it easy by selling house number signs for just $14. To order yours, contact Tina at 479-9331, or click here to access the form with instructions.